Here's the "eagerly awaited" second release from SFW Records. This is the new reissue of 2006's Party With Tina album. This was the first thing I released as The Paranoia Room and was essentially my first stab at creating electronic music. It was released via MySpace and a couple of other online outlets back in '06. The song, "Sell The Kids" was included on a compilation of noise artists back in '06 or '07 called Soiled Comp: Def-Recs #025. That was released by an internet label called Defenestrated Records. I believe that label is still around if you want to check them out. They specialize in really extreme, primarily noise-oriented, music. The tunes those folks put out makes my stuff sound like the Osmond Family!
This version of Party With Tina has some additional remixes and things added along with some extra samples here and there to spice things up. The recordings are super lo-fi, as I was still recording to cassette back then, but the record is still fun for open-minded listeners. There are elements of noise, industrial, drum 'n bass, glitch, circuit-bending, ambient and pretty much every other type of electronic music that most people hate. Haha... Download it, crank it, and annoy your neighbors. It's guaranteed! (You can stream some of the songs over at my ReverbNation page. It's over at
I've been having fun with Windows Live Moviemaker, so I'll probably whip up a couple of videos for this record and release 'em to YouTube. I'll post them here on the SFW blog as soon as they're finished. (You can see my previous videos on earlier blog posts, or just go to YouTube and search "Rottenrazcal".) Thanks for stopping by and check in often for more weirdass music. It is appreciated.
Been having a lot of fun with Windows MovieMaker... So here's another short film I made this weekend featuring two songs from the 1st Eula Mae record, The Iris Sessions. The video was filmed under a bridge in Randleman. LOL. FTW!!! Also, if you haven't already gotten yourself a copy, you can download the new 2011 reissue of The Iris Sessions over at Mediafire for free. Here's the link. Eula Mae - The Iris Sessions
Here's a short video I made for the song "Obsessive Thoughts/Dangerous Patterns". It's a song from Eula Mae's The Iris Sessions recordings that I tinkered with a little and included on the 2011 reissue. (You can download the entire album for free from Mediafire. Here's the link- Eula Mae - The Iris Sessions.) I made the video with footage I shot with my cellphone coming home from work one evening. I drove past a row of dead deer on the side of the highway. Like 5 dead deer...they all had their antlers cut off and most of their meat removed. Happens all the time around here. People just dump the skin/bones/guts on the side of the road or in a field or something. Stunk to high heaven, but it was sorta touching to see this row of dead animals laying there. The resulting video clips inspired me to learn how to use that Windows Movie Maker thing. Pretty cool, considering how free everything was. Anyway, thanks for stopping in and checking it out. Y'er a pal! -Jabbo
At last, the first release from SFW Records has arrived! The Iris Sessions was the first group of songs that I ever organized into anything resembling an album and the first recording I did under the Eula Mae name. I released these songs mostly through MySpace back in 2005. The songs were composed with an Alesis SR-16 drum machine and with guitar parts that I played through a bass pedal and amp. Doin' vocals with a $10 Wal-Mart mic. Haha. FTW. The whole thing was recorded to cassette originally, but I went back this year and added a few touches here and there to make the thing a little more modern-sounding. The sound is probably best described as post-metal/industrial/noise. Definitely for open-minded listeners, but still a fun little record. You can download it free o' charge over at Mediafire. Eula Mae - The Iris Sessions
I plan to release my entire back catalog of music through the Subvert From Within label, so check back in soon for more free downloads, news, show dates, and other shenanigans. Thanx!!! -Jabbo
Alright, so my summer break is over and it's back to work. That sucks. But I'm happy I was able to get a lot of projects started/developed/etc. over the summer. I've got several videos I want to post, but they need a little editing. I'm doing some final mixing and clean-up of the new Eula Mae acoustic record, Centaur Songs. The entire album will be available as a Mediafire download on this blog as soon as it's finished.
Still rehearsing for some live gigs as The Paranoia Room. Takin' the ambient-noise-madness on the road!!! At least as far as Greensboro!!! Haha... Got a new PA that's loud as fuck, too. That's gonna help. Also, I have an album worth of weird lo-fi stuff that I recorded recently with my sampler and an ancient Casio keyboard. Using a timestretch function to stretch cheesy keyboard melodies into epic noise monstrosities! Or something like that... Ha... Those songs need a little editing as well, but as soon as they're ready, you'll be able to get them here.
I'm a little behind on getting full album downloads set up. Sorry. (Although you can download or stream all the songs from the 1st 2 Eula Mae records and the 1st 2 Paranoia Room records at their respective ReverbNation pages.) This is what happened: I recently discovered the original cassette master of a song called "Contempt" off of The Iris Sessions, the very 1st album I ever released. The version of that song on the album has a blank spot that is a couple of seconds long where the tape was damaged. I had assumed that the song would just be fucked forever. (If you have a physical copy of that record, you will note that "Contempt" is labeled as the "Compromised Audio Version" for that reason.) Now that I have an undamaged version of the original track, I want to redo the record and add the undamaged version. Because that album is technically the first one that I ever released, I want it to be the first one available on the website. So, I'm holding back the other albums until the new version of The Iris Sessions is ready. (Damn you, OCD!!!) If I released them out of numerical/chronological order, it would cause me all types of anxiety. Everything is coming, though. I promise! (And again, the 1st 4 Subvert From Within releases are all available over at ReverbNation.) Here's the page for The Paranoia Room.And this is where the 1st 2 Eula Mae records live. Go get 'em! You can hear all the old stuff there.
Even though I hate going back to work, I am excited about all the shows coming in the next month or so. I am uber-excited to see Guided By Voices in September. My second favorite band in the world!
Incredibly, only 2 days later, my #1 favorite band in the history of music and across the expanses of all time and space are coming. SWANS!!!
It promises to be epic. Anyway, thanks for checking in, for listening to my weird music, and for just being you. Don't ever change. You're perfect!!!
PS. In non-music related news, how awesome is it that the West Memphis 3 were finally released?!! About effin' time.
Bootsy Collins is pretty much the god of the bass guitar. The guy makes it look so effortless. Damn, I wish I could play bass like that. Love, love, love it!
Got a profile for my electronic project, The Paranoia Room, over at ReverbNation. The Party With Tina ep was The Paranoia Room's first ever release back in 2006. It is currently available on the ReverbNation page for free download. In the process of getting the mp3's onto the site, I made a few new versions of a song called "Lost Again" from that record. I have a version that is half the normal speed of the original and another that is about a third of the speed of the original. That version is over 12 minutes long!!! I'll get those new versions posted soon. They're pretty insane. I'm also working on getting a live set together with my drum machine/ sampler/ keys/ toys/ laptop/ etc. but the logistics of doing this crazy music live are a bit daunting. Oh, and here's the artwork for the Party With Tina downloads. Go here for free download!!!
So I'm in the process of getting mp3's of all my old releases up onto the web in some form for download. I thought I had found a handy place to let all those songs live with Reverbnation. But, it appears I have already run into the wall in terms of storage space there. I was about two songs short of having the 1st 2 Eula Mae records posted there for download. But, alas it was not to be. All of The Catbird is available there for free download and most of the very first record, The Iris Sessions. I guess I might end up having to pay somebody for that kinda thing. Drag. Here's where you can stream/download most of the songs.
Still working on setting up downloads of each album directly from this blog. Hoping to see that materialize here shortly.
Thanks to everyone who has already made contact with me since I started this blog. The support is really appreciated. This morning, I repaired a circuit-bent toy that I modified last summer. I'm excited to play it again (especially through my 808.) The kids are sleeping at this moment, though, so I have to settle for posting this video from last summer. The mutant "Talk & Learn Alphabet Toy" that just returned to life may be one of the toys I'm playing in this.
I'm gonna make a new video tonight featuring the Alphabet Toy. I'll upload it when it's finished, so you can have a laugh. Also, there's a new ReverbNation page for The Paranoia Room project. I can't remember the link, though. Haha... I'll post it when the fog clears. Yer Pal, Jabbo
Hi. I'm Jabbo. I make strange music and visual art. This is the first official post of my new blog. This blog will serve as ground zero for all the projects under the Subvert From Within label. I'll be giving away free downloads from my band Eula Mae, as well as my electronic project, The Paranoia Room. I'll also be linking to things I think are cool/interesting, as well as all the things my crazy friends are doing. New music will be posted regularly, as well as opportunities to score limited edition artwork and vinyl. So, check back often. Oh, and dig my hat... Thanx, Jabbo
In the meantime, how about checking out my artist page over at ReverbNation... Y'er a pal!