Monday, July 31, 2017

Eula Mae - Centaur Songs FREE ALBUM DOWNLOAD

Hope your summer is still goin' strong! Subvert From Within Records presents our sixth official release and the first collection of acoustic material from the Eula Mae project. Noisy, lo-fi, acoustic songs in the spirit of Daniel Johnston, the Moldy Peaches or Atlas Sound. Sort of a "hobo with an acoustic guitar" kinda sound. Freak folk for freaky folk... Or something like that. Download it. Listen to it. Look for Eula Mae at our Reverbnation page or on Facebook!

Eula Mae - Centaur Songs Free Download

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Gridcrawler - Hallucinated free album download

     Ahhh, sweet summertime! Hope your summer has been as much fun as mine. Haha. SFW Records is excited to present our 5th official release. Hallucinated is the first album from the Gridcrawler project. The tracks are a bombastic combination of minimal techno and electro-house with the same dark undercurrent that marks all the Subvert From Within releases. Download it. Blast it. Make it the soundtrack to your summer. -Y'er pal, Jabbo

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Summertime 2017: Back in the High Life!

It's summer and I'm on vacation! I finally have some time to devote to my personal projects now that I'm done working for the man for a while. I've been spending most of my free time with my various visual arts projects, and frankly, had kinda lost interest in my musical pursuits. However, in the last year or so, I've started to get a lot of online interest in my Eula Mae acoustic project, so I'm gonna release the thing, warts and all... Maybe someone, somewhere, will get some joy out of my weird little guitar songs. More to come soon... Big thanks to all the folks who have made contact, especially all my new friends in the Philippines who have been so supportive. It is appreciated!!! Y'er pal, Jabbo.