Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Gridcrawler Has Arrived!

     Lots going on with my new Gridcrawler project. I have a Reverbnation page where you can stream a few of the new songs. And I'm performing some of the material live on Friday, August 3rd at the Somewhere Else Tavern in Greensboro. It will be my first time on stage in about 8 years, and my first time ever as a solo artist. Crazy nervous, but hella psyched about the new songs, so I'm looking forward to gettin' it on! I'm opening for my buddies in Archimedes' Revenge. They're a great progressive-metal group also from the Greensboro area. There will be other metal/punk bands on the bill and I am the only electronic musician, so I'm really gonna have to bring it. I don't wanna get tomatoes (or beer bottles) thrown at me. Haha.
     I am putting the finishing touches on the first Gridcrawler record as well. It will be called Larvae and consists of a strange brew of electro, dubstep, witch-house, glitch, and noise. Sort of an electronic music pot-luck. Haha. I'll be giving away a few copies of a sampler cd with about half the songs from the new record on it at the show. Come on out if you're in the area!
     I'll be posting the full Larvae record to my Mediafire account in August. It will be free for people who read this blog or like the Facebook page, etc. Ultimately, it will be posted on BandCamp and I might actually try to charge a buck or two for the record there. It would be a nice change to make a little loot off the music for once! At least enough for some tacos or somethin'...  Anyway, thanks for checking out the blog. The support is appreciated. Y'er pal, Jabbo. 


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