Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Gridcrawler Live 8-3-12 (Videos)

The August 3rd show was a lot of fun. I love Somewhere Else Tavern and it was a great place to try pullin' my shit off live for the first time. Not that there weren't a few issues, mind ya... We ran into an insane rain storm on the way to the club and when I got there, I discovered that another band had been added to the bill and I was supposed to have gone on stage 45 minutes earlier. Burley took pity on me though, and let me play anyway. (I had to squeeze my equipment into a corner of the stage, because the other band was already set up!) Also, the sound wasn't nearly loud enough, but I learned a valuable lesson. Never trust the sound guy to give you more volume. I'll crank it on my end next time. Believe that! Haha. I didn't get to give away promo cd's or even hang my fancy banner. Oh well... Next time. Still putting some finishing touches on the first Gridcrawler record. I really want the material to be songs, not just "tracks," so I'm taking my time with this one. In the meantime, here are a few clips from the August 3rd show. Thanks for checkin' em out and for just bein' you!
-Y'er pal, Jabbo